In honor of Taylor Swift’s All Too Well breaking the record for longest song to reach number 1 on the charts – breaking the 50-year record of American Pie by Don McLean – I thought I’d mention a few of my favorite songs that stretch the time limits. There are obviously hundreds of 10+ minute jam band songs I could put on this list, but here are my top three favorite songs that were originally long on their albums.
John Butler
Ocean - Studio Session, 2012
This song is incredible. With no lyrics, John Butler is able to take you on an acoustical emotional ride – up and down the crescendoing waves of an ocean. The amount of noise he puts out with just a 12-string guitar is mind-blowing. Close your eyes (or keep them open so you can see his amazing talent), listen to this song, and let the music take you to a place of pure beauty.
Dave Matthews Band with Warren Haynes
Cortez, the Killer - The Central Park Concert, 2003
I remember when I first heard this song – and I still love it as much as I did that day. It’s a cover from Neil Young’s 1975 Zuma album, where it topped off at 7 and a half minutes. Dave and Warren take this song to the next level, making it as epic as the lyrics themselves. I didn’t know about the video until years after I already loved the song. Somehow seeing it makes it even more incredible.
Chris Robinson Brotherhood
Rosalee - Live at Cervantes, 2014
This song makes me so happy! I want to jump around the house and twirl through the yard every time I hear it. Fun fact: at 10+ minutes, this wasn’t even the longest song on the album. I believe CRB decided to call it quits – I’m so glad I got to enjoy the energy of this tune live at this exact show.
I truly cannot select one Pink Floyd song, but this version of Pigs (Three Different Ones) seems to be sending a message. Written in the 70s and just as powerful today. I saw Roger Waters at the 2015 Newport Folk Festival – amazing!
Phish managed to jam Runaway Jim for almost an hour in 1997. (Not my favorite Phish jam, but seems worthy of a mention given the hour-long sesh.)
Take your pick for Led Zeppelin, but ladies this Whole Lotta Love video is for you!