It’s a Gas!

It’s been three months since my last post and we're now officially into autumn, so it seems like a good time to give an update as to what's been happening with the house: NOTHING!! We…

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Juneuary Chowda

One of my least favorite months in the Pacific Northwest is Juneuary. If you’re not from this area, you probably thought that was a typo. It’s not. Yes, technically I’m talking about the month of…

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This story begins the first night of our trip to the San Juan Islands. One could say it started with the eight percent beers or maybe the stiff sundowner cocktails celebrating our successful crossing of…

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To Live For

A friend of mine has been in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) since April 8. There are still many unknowns about his recovery, but at this moment in time it thankfully appears as though he…

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