Tache loves vegetable breads – you know, those kitchen creations in which people pretend that sneaking healthy ingredients into a loaf of bread makes it good for you. Carrot, zucchini, pumpkin… what else can we add!? They’re vegetables! They’re good for you!
Or maybe no one is pretending. It’s just that they’re damn good! But, for Tache, that’s exactly the problem – these tasty loaves aren’t healthy for someone trying to keep to a low-carb diet.
Side note and fun fact: Pumpkins are actually fruits because they come from the flowering portion of the vine and contain seeds!
Now, when it comes to the kitchen, my preference is cooking. I’m a freestyle culinarian where recipes are mere starting points and ingredients are elements of art that can only be understood by the tip of the tongue. Baking: not my jam, so to speak. Baking is too measured… precise… and I’ll just be honest, straight up boring. I’m kidding – I know people who enjoy it (and my sweet tooth, chocolate-craving self truly appreciates those people!), but baking is not for me.
With that said, baking seems to be a favorite pastime for people looking to stay busy during these times of COVID and I wanted to get in on the gastronomic action. Knowing Tache likes veggie breads, but never eats them, I decided to find a way to make a loaf for him. I searched online, but couldn’t quite find the low-carb recipe I wanted. Thus, I did what I do best, which is piece together ideas from various recipes until I created the loaf I wanted.
I’ve now made this bread a few times, slightly tweaking the ingredients as I go. I’ll be honest – it’s been fun to see how each loaf turns out. My last loaf has been the best yet and I wanted to save the recipe somewhere. So why not my random blog that no one else will ever see! And maybe someday, once the recipe is meticulously perfected, I’ll have it memorized allowing me to feel unrestricted by the laws of baking!
NOTE: If low-carb is not your thing and you have no need to eliminate sugar, this is not for you. HA! Add some honey or sugar to the mix 🙂
2 cups almond flour
1 heaping tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp all spice
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/3 cup coconut oil
1 old banana
3 tsp vanilla
2 carrots finely grated
1/2 cup carob chips