Two Things

From the very beginning of this let’s-build-a-house idea, Tache has said, “I don’t do two things: insulation and drywall.” Before I get into the rest of this, can we all just take a minute to…

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Yay, Brandon!

Tache and I spent the weekend celebrating our successful leaps over the three most important building inspection hurdles: electrical, plumbing, and framing. The innards have been approved!! For those of you not up to speed…

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The Innards

INNARDS the internal organs of a human being or animal the internal parts especially of a structure or mechanism According to Tache, I talk too much about the first definition of innards and the subsequent…

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Our First Visitors

I keep telling friends and family – just wait, we’ll have a guest room soon. But for some, soon isn’t soon enough. They’ve already arrived! Our first visitor was polite enough to knock. Although knock…

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Raise the Roof!

We have been literally and figuratively raising the roof over here at 23 Magnolia. For those of my readers not versed in late 90s hip-hop, that means we have been physically raising the roof whilst…

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Jacked Up

To all my avid readers: my apologies. I’ve been slacking in my blog posting. We definitely made progress before we laissez-ed les bons temps rouler in NOLA, but it was spread out over the past…

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