It’s a Gas!

It’s been three months since my last post and we're now officially into autumn, so it seems like a good time to give an update as to what's been happening with the house: NOTHING!! We…

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Blue or Green?

Over the past year, Tache has repeatedly told me he doesn’t care what color we paint the house, but his actions would suggest he very much does care when he says ‘no’ to every color…

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Birthday Wishes

For my birthday (a couple days ago), I thought I’d give everyone an update on the house. The past two months have been a tad slow around here because Tache took another job. Good news…

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2022 Book Reviews

Before We Were Yoursby Lisa WingateI started 2022 with my favorite genre: heartbreaking historical fiction. This book weaves the (shocking) true story of children ripped from their homes during the Great Depression and placed into…

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